Help Desk

Bait And Keep

Comic Transcript

THE BOSS: So you have placed yourself within the Health Care industry. I find myself envying you, clone-brother. That market is rife with corruption and unfocused malice. How did you win this prize?

THE BOSS (HEALTH INSURANCE): It was simpler than you might think.

THE BOSS (HEALTH INSURANCE): In the process of the SCO bankruptcy proceedings we found a creditor who also had significant ties to the insurance industry. I offered to substantially increase his wealth and power in exchange for his eternal soul…

THE BOSS: … which of course he had already given in exchange for the wealth and power he already had. So he defaulted on his contract and all his wealth and power became yours.

THE BOSS (HEALTH INSURANCE): I told him I couldn’t do anything about pre-existing conditions. I don’t think he appreciated the irony.

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