Kernel Panic

A Reckoning Draweth Nigh

A Reckoning Draweth Nigh
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Comic Transcript

ARNAULT DRECK: Alan my boy, I’ll say it again — I like you.

ALAN: Thank you sir.

ARNAULT DRECK: You don’t do what you’re told, but you have spunk — and when the FBI doesn’t raid our offices nad confiscate our files servers and mail servers and everything else, you manage to keep everything running so smoothly I almost forget to make decisions that cause you unnecessary trouble.

ALAN: And we appreciate it, sir.

ARNAULT DRECK: Unfortunately, when the FBI does raid our office sand confiscate our file servers and mail servers and everything else, things apparently grind to a halt.

ALAN: I’m afraid so.

ARNAULT DRECK: When things grind to a halt, people in my position are forced to make hard decisions. And when people in my position are forced to make decisions, someone has to pay for that inconvenience.


ARNAULT DRECK: I’d like you to imagine, just for a moment, who that someone is going to have to be.

ALAN: Someone other than me?

ARNAULT DRECK: It’s that kind of boundless optimism that makes me sure you’re going to bounce back from all this.

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