
The Pen and Cape Society Introduces: Super Choice Adventure!

An organization of superhero fiction authors

Did you like “Choose Your Own Adventure” stories back in the day? Do you like stories where the ending hasn’t been figured out yet? Do you like those crazy stories where multiple authors take turns pushing it forward? What about all three smooshed together?

Introducing Super Choice Adventure: the adventure that’s sort of like Choose Your Own Adventure but not close enough to violate any copyrights that’s being written by multiple authors who haven’t figured out the ending yet!

Various members of the Pen and Cape Society (including yours truly) have banded together to tell the story of a heroine with the ability to mimic the powers of fictional characters. It updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and at the end of each update the readers get to choose which power she mimics next — and which Pen and Cape author tells the story.

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