Help Desk

Some Days Your Customers Know You Too Well

Comic Transcript

CUSTOMER: So what’s the catch?

ALEX: What catch? There’s no catch. Ubersoft is committed to providing an operating system that enhances the experience of developers who wish to fully utilize the power of “The Cloud.”

CUSTOMER: Aha! That’s the catch!

ALEX: Pardon?

CUSTOMER: “Enhances the experience.” That’s the catch.

ALEX: I don’t see how —

CUSTOMER: Any time you guys say “enhance” you really mean “change in a way that makes it impossible for anyone other than us to do anything with it.”

ALEX: Well, Ubersoft is a visionary company, and it’s not unusual for us to propose radically innovative —


ALEX: What now?

CUSTOMER: Any time you guys say “radically innovative” you really mean “we have patents nobody else is allowed to use and a lawyer who has way too much time on his hands.”

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