
Support Your Local Webfiction

IT IS A TRUTH UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED, that a writer in possession of no fortune to speak of must be in want of good reviews.

(Sorry Ms. Austen.)

If you enjoy reading Curveball or A Rake by Starlight and you generally approve of the webfiction model, would you consider taking some time to review them?

Web Fiction Guide is a nexus point for webfiction. Authors list their works there, and readers discover things to read. Because of the vast (and I mean VAST) number of listings on the site, readers tend to choose their stories based on whatever has been reviewed recently (and a few other factors, of course–if a reader doesn’t like fantasy, they’re not going to click on a fantasy serial just because the reviews are good).

If you’ve been enjoying my work, and think it would be great if other people had a chance to enjoy my work as well, leaving a review of that work on Web Fiction Guide is a great way to boost my visibility and introduce me to people who may not otherwise give my work a chance.

Curveball’s listing on Web Fiction Guide

A Rake by Starlight’s listing on Web Fiction Guide

There are of course other ways to support me as well. You could buy some (or all) of my books (here they are on Amazon). You could subscribe to my Patreon campaign. You could actually go up to people and rave about my books (be careful with that one, raving can startle people). But leaving a review probably has the best long-term benefits for me at the lowest cost to yourself.

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