
Now Available: Curveball Year One: Death of a Hero

The original cover

Curveball Issue 13 isn’t quite out on sale yet, but I’m pleased to announce that Curveball Year One: Death of a Hero is now available in both eBook and Trade Paperback form.

What is this, you ask? Well, for those of you who have been following the serial since its inception, there’s not much new. It’s issues 1-12, collected into a single volume. The trade paperback even includes the covers for each issue (in grayscale–color interiors are expensive).

The trade paperback weighs in at 363 pages, and is available for $13.50 on CreateSpace and (less if you have an Amazon Prime account), and will be available on other sites like Barnes & Noble shortly.

The eBook is currently available for $4.99 on, Barnes&, the Google Play Store, Kobo, and Smashwords (though I seem to be having formatting issues with the Smashwords edition), with iTunes and others to come.

I have enrolled this book in the Kindle Matchbook program, so in a day or so if you buy the trade paperback you’ll be able to also get the eBook version for $0.99.

Trade Paperback ($13.50)

eBook ($4.99)

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