
And Lo the Sound of Crickets Chirping

When I get a good head of steam going on a particular storyline I often find it difficult to switch gears and head off into another direction after the story is wrapped up. For the last two weeks or thereabouts I was having an awful lot of fun with the Job Interview storyline, but on Friday I decided that it was time to wrap it up (for the moment) and move on.

So on Friday I wrapped it up.

On Saturday I tried to think of a new storyline or one-off gag.

On Sunday I tried to think of a new storyline or one-off gag.

On Monday morning I tried to think of a new storyline or one-off gag.

On Monday afternoon I tried to think of a new storyline or one-off gag.

In other words, after going full-tilt on a storyline that had given me quite a bit to work with, I found myself unable to come up with anything else. So Monday was, I’m sad to say, an empty space, filled with nothing but the sound of crickets chirping.

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